Australia’s First Gift and Prepaid Card Association is Here
Creating a collective voice for the gift and prepaid card industry.
Did you know that the Australian Gift Card market is estimated to be in excess of $6 billion in sales this year alone? The market shows no sign of slowing down, so AGPCA has been formed to help navigate this fast-changing world.
Who are we?
We’re the Australian Gift and Prepaid Card Association, a not-for-profit, run by members for members, and the key trade body representing the gift and prepaid card market.
Rather than sourcing information from more than one place and wonder whether it’s right, we’ve got it covered, thanks to a wide team of people who work in the industry themselves. AGPCA aims to make sure our industry and members are guided in the right direction with nothing but innovative tools, leading technology, insights and more.
What we do
Our primary aim is to make sure our industry, members and businesses are protected and championed towards ever-growing success.
With this in mind we:
Promote and elevate the gift and prepaid card world, keeping the industry’s interests front of mind
Protect the industry by providing regular consumer and regulatory updates as well as educating our members on the latest best practice and industry fraud threats
Provide networking, education and connection opportunities between members
Pioneer and share market research on behalf of members seeking new customer insights.
Why we came about
As the desire and ease of Gift Cards become a go-to gift of choice, the Gift Card industry is booming. With that comes complexities only those who are in the businesses can understand.
A collective and credible voice was needed, so every part of the gift card industry could come together; from retailer, fintech and neobanks, major issuers and financial institutions, to align, support and lead conversations with government bodies and regulators on the behalf of all stakeholders.
Where we’re headed
We hope to be the leading resource for those in the gift and prepaid card world, to count on for the latest in regulations, market research and advice. We aim to build a strong network and environment for those looking to be ahead of the curve and enhance the Gift Card experience as a whole.
Our list of members is growing fast, featuring both national and local companies. The more it grows, the more we can align and make important changes across the industry. Networks are also building between members, leading to more opportunities and greater capabilities when it comes to shaping the fast-moving environment that is gift and prepaid cards.
So, if you’re looking to be part of a collective who’ll support, educate and bring out the best in the market, take a look at our website and become a member today.